No. 8354

Millionengeschäft !

Reicht zur Aufnahme im DAX

Projektname: Waiting Hero


Vor dem Restaurant: Wait to be seated

Schilder und Sticker

Jetzt auch für alle andere Branchen

in allen Größen und Farben in Millionenauflage:


In der Bankfiliale:  Wait to be delpeted

Im Krankenhaus / Arzt: Wait to be treated

Vor dem Computer / Tab: Wait to be tweeted

Vor der Schönheits-OP:  Wait to be completed

In der Investment Boutique: Wait to be cheated


Bei der Behörde: Wait to be spoken to

An der Tankstelle: Wait to be gassed

Bei der Post: Wait to be stamped


Vor der Boutique: Wait to be looked at

Beim Friseur:  Wait to be cut loose

Im Kaufhaus: Wait to be noticed


Bei der Polizei: Wait to be arr . . .


Bar or restaurant: Wait to be seated


At the bank: Wait to be depleted

At the hospital: Wait to be treated

Computer / Tab: Wait to be tweeted

Cosmetic surgery: Wait to be completed

Investment boutique:  Wait to be cheated


At the gas station: Wait to be gassed

At the authority: Wait to be spoken to

At the post office:  Wait to be stamped


At the hairdresser: Wait to be cut loose

In front of the boutique: Wait to be looked at

In the department store:  Wait to be noticed


At the police station: Wait to be cuffed & arrested